Is Jackfruit Good for Weight Loss?

Is Jackfruit Good for Weight Loss

Jackfruit, a tropical fruit with a spiky exterior and a sweet, juicy interior, is a staple in the coastal states of West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka in India. Although it disappeared from the Indian market for a few years as people were unaware of its nutritional benefits, it has recently regained popularity due to its nutritional value and versatile use in sweet and savoury dishes. Jackfruit is delicious and an excellent source of essential nutrients, such as vitamin C and potassium. In addition, it has been used in traditional medicine for its various health benefits.

Not only is jackfruit a tasty and nutritious fruit, but it’s also causing a stir in the weight loss community. Some of the nutrients found in jackfruit, like fibre, could help shed those extra pounds. Plus, it’s low in calories, which makes it a fantastic food choice for weight loss. Not to mention, it’s packed with essential vitamins and minerals, making jackfruit an excellent addition to any healthy diet aimed at losing weight. The following sections explore the science behind jackfruit’s potential role in weight loss and how it can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Nutritional Properties of Jackfruit

As per USDA, one hundred grams of raw jackfruit contains the following nutrients.

High Water Content

Jackfruit has a considerably high amount of water, with one hundred grams of jackfruit containing 73.5 grams of water. The high water content of jackfruit can aid in weight loss in several ways. 

Research shows that foods with high water content can increase satiety, as they have lower energy density. Energy density refers to the amount of energy (usually measured in calories) per unit of food or beverage, typically per gram or serving size. It means foods with low energy density make you full without fewer calorie consumption. Thus, consuming jackfruit, which has a high water content, can keep your calorie intake in check while keeping you satiated.

Water is an essential metabolism component and is involved in various metabolic processes. Therefore, consuming foods with high water content, such as jackfruit, can support your metabolism, further aiding weight loss. Proper hydration is also essential for optimal digestion, which can help prevent bloating and constipation, which can hinder weight loss efforts. Additionally, water-rich foods can help regulate body temperature, which is vital for optimal body functioning. This is especially important during exercise, a crucial component of any weight loss plan.

Low Fat

Jackfruit contains a negligible amount of fat. The low-fat content in jackfruit is one of the reasons it can aid in weight loss. Fat is a high-calorie macronutrient, meaning every serving offers more calories. Therefore, consuming high amounts of fat can lead to weight gain as the excess calories are stored as fat. However, when we consume foods with low-fat content, we are consuming fewer calories. Therefore, it can create a calorie deficit, leading to weight loss.

Foods containing fibre and low in fat, including jackfruit, can increase satiety and decrease overall calorie intake. Hence, the low-fat content in jackfruit makes it beneficial for weight loss.

Fewer Calories

The low-calorie content of jackfruit is one of the main reasons it can contribute to weight loss. As per research, consuming fewer calories than you burn is the fundamental principle behind weight loss. Hence, incorporating low-calorie foods such as jackfruit into your diet can make weight loss easier.

Jackfruit is low in calories but contains fibre, which can help you feel full for extended periods, reducing your overall calorie intake. Fibre slows digestion and absorption, making you feel satiated and less likely to overeat or snack on unhealthy foods. It can result in reduced calorie intake, leading to weight loss.

Furthermore, low-calorie foods such as jackfruit are also nutrient-dense. It provides essential vitamins and minerals that support overall health. Consuming a balanced diet with nutrient-dense foods can help you stay healthy and lose weight.

High Potassium

Potassium is an essential nutrient that may aid in weight loss. As per the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), potassium helps regulate fluid balance in the body, preventing water retention and bloating. Additionally, potassium may help regulate blood sugar levels. As a result, it can help reduce cravings for sugary foods and promote a healthy weight.


Jackfruit is a low-calorie fruit that can contribute to weight loss due to its high water, fibre, and low-fat content. It contains 73.5 grams of water per 100 grams, which can increase satiety and support metabolism. Jackfruit has little fat, and low-fat foods can increase satiety and decrease overall calorie intake. Jackfruit’s low-calorie and trace fibre content make it an ideal food for weight loss. Furthermore, Jackfruit is high in potassium, which regulates fluid balance and blood sugar levels, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight.

Other Health Benefits of Jackfruit Consumption

Besides its weight-loss attributes, jackfruit also offers various advantages for overall health. It contains essential nutrients that provide several health benefits. Below are some of the benefits of jackfruit consumption other than weight loss:

Rich in Antioxidants

Jackfruit is a good source of antioxidants. Several studies show antioxidants help protect the body against oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Furthermore, antioxidants are essential to prevent cell damage, which can lead to several chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Regarding antioxidants in jackfruit, the high Vitamin C and Beta Carotene content act as antioxidants in the body.

Boosts Immunity

Jackfruit is a fantastic source of vitamin C, with one hundred grams of jackfruit offering 13.7mg of vitamin C. As per research, vitamin C helps boost the immune system. In addition, it helps produce white blood cells that help fight against infections and diseases. Furthermore, vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects cells from damage and helps with iron absorption.

Aids Digestion

Although jackfruit is not one of the best sources of fibre, it contains some fibre. Fibre is good for digestive health. It helps promote regular bowel movements and prevents constipation. It also feeds the good gut bacteria, which helps to improve overall digestive health.

Supports Heart Health

Jackfruit is an excellent potassium source, which helps regulate blood pressure and prevent heart disease. Research shows that potassium helps to relax blood vessels, which reduces the strain on the heart. Furthermore, the antioxidants present in jackfruit can help prevent cholesterol oxidation in the arteries, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.

Improves Skin Health

The antioxidants in jackfruit, particularly vitamin C, help to protect the skin against free radicals. In addition, vitamin C is also vital for collagen production, helping keep the skin firm and elastic. Moreover, jackfruit’s hydrating properties can help improve skin texture and prevent dryness.


Jackfruit offers numerous health benefits besides weight loss, such as being rich in antioxidants, boosting immunity, aiding digestion, supporting heart health, and improving skin health. In addition, it is a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and fibre, which provide several advantages for overall health.

Jackfruit Preparation

Jackfruit’s sticky sap makes it difficult to peel. Before cutting open your fruit, rub your hands and knife with cooking oil to prevent it from gumming up, removing the tough membrane layers from the fleshy portion (‘bulbs’). The fleshy part can be cooked or eaten raw.

The texture of jackfruit when it is unripe (green) is strikingly similar to that of chicken. Therefore, vegetarians consume it as an alternative to meat. You should consume jackfruit before it is fully mature or the rind starts smelling. You can separate the meaty flesh from the peel by cutting it into bits and boiling them in salted water until soft. The seeds can be roasted or boiled like chestnuts.

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